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 Monday, September 11, 2023
4:00 p.m.   Monday Lecture Series
Translating Discoveries in Synaptic Plasticity and Brain Disease

Robert Darnell, M.D., Ph.D., Robert and Harriet Heilbrunn Professor, senior attending physician, head, Laboratory of Molecular Neuro-Oncology, The Rockefeller University; investigator, Howard Hughes Medical Institute

 Tuesday, September 12, 2023
1:00 p.m.   Thesis Presentations
The Nanomechanics of Protocadherin 15, a Protein Essential for Human Hearing

Camila Villasante, biomedical fellow, The Rockefeller University

4:00 p.m.   Center for Studies in Physics and Biology Seminars
Plant-Pathogen Interactions and the Climate-Agriculture Nexus

Benjamin Weiner, Ph.D., fellow, Center for Studies in Physics and Biology, The Rockefeller University

 Thursday, September 14, 2023
10:30 a.m.   Stem Cell Biology Seminars
Blastocyst Development and Stem Cells

Anna-Katerina (Kat) Hadjantonakis, Ph.D., Alfred P. Sloan Chair, developmental biology program, Sloan Kettering Institute, Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center

1:00 p.m.   Other Tri-Institutional Events
NYC RNA Symposium

1:00 p.m.: Anna Marie Pyle, Ph.D., Sterling Professor of Molecular, Cellular, and Developmental Biology, Yale University, HHMI, Structure and Mechanism of RNA Self-splicing Machines: Implications for Evolution, Regulated Gene Expression, and the Targeting of RNA with Small Molecule Drugs

2:00 p.m.: Saurja DasGupta, Ph.D., Massachusetts General Hospital, Harvard Medical School, Primordial RNA Assembly: Chemistry, Catalysis, and Compartmentalization

2:15 p.m.: Yang Luo, Ph.D., Sloan Kettering Institute, mRNA Interactions with Disordered Regions Control Protein Activity

3:45 p.m.: Rohit Roy, Duke University School of Medicine, Columbia University, Kinetic Resolution of the Atomic 3D Structures Formed by Ground and Excited Conformational States in an RNA Dynamic Ensemble

4:00 p.m.: Mildred Unti, Weill Cornell Medicine, Highly Efficient Cellular Expression of Circular mRNA Enables Prolonged Protein Expression from Virus-like Particles

4:15 p.m.: Ariel Pourmorady, Columbia University, Olfactory Receptor mRNAs Act as “Selfish” Non-coding RNAs That Enforce Transcriptional Singularity

4:30 p.m.: Shira Weingarten-Gabbay, Ph.D., Broad Institute of MIT and Harvard, The Rockefeller University, Systematic Discovery of Thousands of ORFs in ~700 Human Viruses Using Massively Parallel Ribosome Profiling

4:45 p.m.: Madeline Sherlock, Ph.D., New York Structural Biology Center, University of Colorado Anschutz Medical Campus, Widespread Viral RNA Structures Induce Downstream Reinitiation through Dynamic Ribosome Interactions

 Friday, September 15, 2023
1:00 p.m.   Thesis Presentations
Influence of Mouse Motor Cortex on Vocal Musculature

Cesar Vargas, graduate fellow, The Rockefeller University

3:30 p.m.   Friday Lecture Series
Witnessing Ribosome Assembly Coming into Focus

Sebastian Klinge, Ph.D., associate professor and head, Laboratory of Protein and Nucleic Acid Chemistry, The Rockefeller University

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