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Tri-Institutional Calendars

The close proximity among the three institutions which comprise the Tri-I has led to a culture that encourages interinstitutional interactions and shared resources, including access to lectures and seminars from internationally renowned scientists and clinicians:

 Thursday, October 22, 2020
2:00 p.m.   Other Tri-Institutional Events
New Insights into Regulation of Mammalian Iron Homeostasis and Expanding Roles of Iron Sulfur Proteins in Mammalian Metabolism

Tracey Rouault, M.D., associate scientific director, head of recruiting, National Institute of Child Health and Human Development, National Institutes of Health

5:30 p.m.   Pearl Meister Greengard Prize
17th Annual Pearl Meister Greengard Prize Ceremony

Joanne Chory, Ph.D., Prize Recipient - Howard H. and Maryam R. Newman Chair in Plant Biology, Salk Institute for Biological Studies

Frances Beinecke, Prize Presenter - Former President, Natural Resources Defense Council

Richard Lifton, M.D., Ph.D., Host - President, The Rockefeller University

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